Tiramisù World Cup 2024 – Tiramisù becoming more international

Francesco Redi of Twissen, organizer of the event - More than one-third of the participants in the competition come from the rest of the world: the global spoon cake market is expected to grow by 5 percent annually*

Events - published on 11 October 2024

Fonte: ufficio stampa Tiramisù World Cup

Tiramisù World Cup

The participation of foreign competitors in the Tiramisù World Cup, in Piazza Borsa in Treviso, is growing annually. In the year of Italian Roots Abroad, the event has more than 30 percent of participants from Europe, the Americas and Asia, confirming the recognition the event gets internationally in promoting the world’s most famous spoon dessert.

On the eve of the edition whose theme is “Treviso and the Roots”, Francesco Redi (creator of the event) draws a forecast on the future of the most popular Italian dessert: For the third consecutive year, our Selections were also held overseas, where interest in TWC is growing. This is borne out by the data, which already in the year of recovery from the lockdown calculated a market value of packaged Tiramisu approaching 1 billion euros: within the next 7 years further growth is expected to reach 1.5 billion euros*. Accompanying this expansion will also be the differentiation of the offer, which will meet the tastes of the public,Redi says again. During our event, we find how the imagination of our competitors in the creative recipe of Tiramisu is evidence of a desire to try new flavors, without distorting the essence of the dessert.

After the summer selections in Toronto (Canada) and Sao Paulo (Brazil), which brought the respective winners to compete in Treviso, 240 competitors are expected again this fall to compete in the Grand Final for the title of “World’s Best Tiramisù,” both in the original recipe (five ingredients: eggs, sugar, mascarpone, ladyfingers, coffee and cocoa) and in the creative one (with the possibility of adding three ingredients replacing the cookie).

For the 8th edition, a rich program of events is planned that includes, among others, a moment dedicated to Roberto “Loli” Linguanotto, father of the Treviso Tiramisu.

We wanted to pay tribute to the person who gave the world what has become one of the symbols of Italian cuisine in the world, says Francesco Redi of Twissen again. Then there will be other events that will take us to discover the Italian roots and family history of our many compatriots abroad. And what better way to tell the story of our origins than through the sweet symbol of Italianness that is tiramisù?

Mario Pozza, president of the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso – Belluno | Dolomites:
I express my appreciation for the Tiramisù World Cup, an event of that enhances one of the most beloved gastronomic excellences of our territory. Eno-gastronomic events represent a key driver for tourism development, while combining the enhancement of traditions and local identities. The Chamber of Commerce has long collaborated and supported this initiative, which we are hosting again this year at our headquarters, thus promoting our culinary traditions of excellence and the spread of our eno-gastronomic heritage internationally. Also as president of Assocamerestero, I welcome the collaboration with the São Paulo-based Italian-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, emphasizing the importance of Italian Chambers of Commerce abroad in promoting the Italian economy and combating Italian sounding. The Brazilian market is crucial for Treviso and Belluno businesses due to its large population and growing interest in Italian gastronomy such as pasta, olive oil and wine. Brazil, rich in natural resources and among the main oil producers, is seeking technological partnerships to improve agricultural productivity, sustainability and opens opportunities for ‘industry related to decarbonization. In addition, Brazil – concluded President Pozza -, serves as a hub for Latin America, with about 1,000 branches of Italian companies already present. Italian exports to Brazil have reached €5.4 billion, with Veneto in the spotlight for Prosecco exports, which totaled €1 million in 2023.

Federico Caner, tourism councillor of the Veneto Region
The Grand Final in the city of Treviso is but the “icing on the cake” of an event that has grown exponentially, so much so that in just 8 years it has conquered an ever-growing audience both in Italy and abroad, made up of gourmands of this spoon dessert but also of the simply curious, involving an ever-increasing number of aspiring novice chefs . Tiramisu, in fact, is a dessert that has always been present on our tables, encompassing in each spoonful the flavor of memories and Venetian roots, so much so that it has been recognized as a national traditional food product even by the Ministry of Agriculture. For all of us, this is not only a boast, but it is confirmation that a recipe handed down from generation to generation has been able to become the symbol of Treviso and the Veneto region.

Mario Conte, Mayor of Treviso
The Tiramisù World Cup is the competition dedicated to the most important dessert in the world. Not only because it is dedicated to a dessert known in every corner of the planet, but also because it boasts an organization that enhances this excellence at 360 degrees, from the ingredients to the territory. We would like to thank Francesco Redi and Twissen for succeeding, once again this year, in bringing “trevigianità” to the world and organizing a 3-day event that unites generations of gluttons and fans. It will be a celebration of the City.

Giulia Casagrande, president of Marca Treviso Foundation.
The Tiramisù World Cup confirms itself as the most important recurring eno-gastronomic event for our territory. The formula has become internationally known, generating a flow of tourists that-along with other initiatives-cannot go ignored by those in the industry. The Foundation immediately decided to stand by this project and will continue to support it in its tourist and promotional value thanks to the gastronomic vector that enhances tradition.

Dania Sartorato, president Unione provinciale Confcommercio Treviso and president Fipe Treviso
The 2024 theme of roots fascinates me a lot, I find it suggestive. Tiramisù is roots, identity, memory. For a tourist it is a reason to come back. However, I like to think that if in recent years, thanks to the immense promotional work built with this event, we have managed to strengthen the roots of our dessert, now we must continue to design and provide the WINGS, to make it fly even higher in the world. The roots to return, the wings to fly: these are concrete motivations that make us understand the importance of TWC, which returns every year with ever greater significance, knowing how to aggregate operators, citizens, categories, the whole community.

Paolo Caratossidis, president of the Festival della Cucina Veneta and promoter of the Tour of Venetian Excellence:
Tiramisù di Treviso is an iconic dessert that has transcended regional borders, becoming one of the most popular Italian recipes in the world. In 2024-thanks to our efforts-it was listed among Italy’s P.A.T. (Prodotti Agroalimentari Tradizionali) with more than 25 years of historicity. For us, who have been betting on the richness of Veneto’s culinary heritage since 2019, it represents the spearhead of our gastronomic offer. We will bring to Treviso a selection of undisputed excellence of the territory, either as a product or in the form of a recipe or preparation. We will tell the story of a land that for historical and geographical reasons is a true superpower of flavors. In store, also a tribute to the cuisine of the roots with a cooking show inspired by Brazil and Venetian cuisine.

Laura Forti, editor of La Cucina Italiana, media-partner of TWC24
I am happy to be part of the Jury for the third year, in an initiative that is increasingly expanding its boundaries around the world. It is an appointment that now brings together some affectionate participants, who come together as in a family: a concept much loved by Italian cuisine, which also through tiramisu, an iconic dessert at home and abroad, expresses the love of sharing with one’s family, of blood and of choice. It is therefore an honor for me to represent La Cucina Italiana, for whom I work, in this very sweet world cup. Also in this edition, La Cucina Italiana, a historic gastronomy magazine founded in 1929, will present the LCI Special Award, in addition to serving as Chairman of the Final Jury.

Once again this year, at the Loggia dei Cavalieri in the heart of Treviso, you can taste the Tiramisu of the World Champions from past editions (and beyond).

You can buy tiramisu directly at the Loggia or online (click here) and then pick it up at the dedicated cashier (avoiding the queue) on Oct. 11 and 12 (from 14.00 to 18.00) and on Oct. 13 (from 10.00 to 18.00).

At Loggia dei Cavalieri it will be possible to taste:

Original Tiramisu by Patricia Guerra, TWC 2023 champion;
“Carpe Diem” Tiramisu with Bacio by Giuseppe Salvador, TWC 2022 champion;
Tiramisu with Venezuelan cocoa by Stefano Serafini, TWC 202 champion;
Sicilian Citrus Tiramisu by Diletta Scandiuzzi, TWC 2018 champion.

Original gluten free tiramisu by Dolcefreddo Moralberti;
Nutella Tiramisu by Dolcefreddo Moralberti;
Tiramisu with dulce de leche by Dolcefreddo Moralberti.

It is also possible to taste:
Glass of Prosecco DOC Extradry from La Marca;
Cup with a scoop of Tiramisu-flavored ice cream from the Associazione Accademici Italiani Gelatieri Artigiani (Saturday and Sunday)

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