Pozza: at the presence of President Fontana and the great personalities of Olympic sport, the youths from Treviso, Belluno and Verona distinguished themselves at the Milan Cortina 2026 trophies

Tripod lighting ceremony as part of the "GenerAZIONE2026" Project with the twinning of the Veneto Region Schools

Events - published on 13 May 2024


Source: Press office precidency Camera di Commercio di Treviso Belluno | Dolomiti

Treviso, Belluno, Verona, 10 May 2023. The event was under the banner of twinning between the regions and provinces that will host the Olympic Games and the participation of the 150 students of the 10,000 young GenerAZIONE2026 from the Schools of Belluno, Treviso and Verona.

The girls and boys who arrived in Milan accompanied by their teachers took part in the semifinals of the 80m sprint, competing in the finals with the best results from the Milan schools.


We congratulate the directors and teachers of the schools that selected the youngsters for Treviso: Ic Vittorio Veneto II Cosmo, Sms Veronese Maser (Ic Cornuda), Ic Riese Pio X, for Belluno: Ic Tina Merlin, Ic Auronzo di Cadore and for Verona: IC 9 Verona – Scuola Valdonega, IC16 Verona – Scuola Caperle, IC 8 Verona – Scuola Betteloni, IC 8 Verona – Scuola Caliari.

It was a great final that saw the students of the Schools of Lombardy and Veneto take part in the 61st edition of the ‘MILAN CORTINA 2026 TROPHIES – Education, Culture and Sport for Young People’, a project that, for the first time, takes on the name of the two cities hosting the next 2026 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The event is also part of the ‘Education Gen26’ Programme of the Milan Cortina 2026 Foundation.

‘Our project,’ emphasised President Mario Pozza, ‘ is aimed at raising awareness and bringing young people closer to the Olympic spirit by looking at the great values of sport as a lifestyle and seizing the Olympic and Paralympic Games as a great opportunity for Italy and for all the young people who will experience this world-class event.
I am honoured to have awarded the Guirlande d’Honneur to the great athlete Sara Simeoni,’ said President Mario Pozza. I thank Prof. Ascani for what he has done and is doing for young people and for the world of Italian sport. See you in Treviso on 6 June, with GenerAZIONE2026 at the Mario del Monaco Theatre’.

The President of the Organising Committee, Prof. Franco Ascani, Member of the Culture Commission of the International Olympic Committee, emphasised that the ‘MILAN CORTINA 2026 TROPHIES’ included in the ‘Education Gen26’ Programme are a significant vehicle for promoting the Games and deserve to be further supported in light of the massive adhesion of the school world, i.e. GenerAZIONE2026: ‘Sport in schools is there!

Attilio Fontana, President of the Lombardy Region, lit the Tripod.

Speakers: Attilio Fontana President of the Lombardy Region, Diana Bianchedi, Chief Strategy Planning Legacy Officer Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026, Mario Pozza, President of Assocamerestero and Chamber of Commerce Treviso-Belluno|Dolomites, Claudia Giordani V. President CONI Nazionale, Lara Magoni Undersecretary with Sport and Youths delegation of the Lombardy Region, Martina Riva Councillor for Sport of the Municipality of Milan, Domenico De Maio Education a dn Culture Director Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026, Marco Riva President CONI Lombardy Region. Lifetime Achievement Award to Olympic champion Sara Simeoni ‘Athlete of the Century’.

The ‘MILANO CORTINA 2026 TROPHIES’ are organised in collaboration with the Milano Cortina 2026 Foundation, with the technical support of AICS Milanese, Sportre a.s.d., FICTS Italia, ICS – Istituto per il Credito Sportivo, with the patronage of the Lombardy Region and the sponsorship of CONI – Lombardy Regional Committee, the Municipality of Milan, FIDAL Lombardia and FIDAL Milano and the collaboration of the Lombardy Regional School Office.

Translated by Cecilia Flaccavento
Intern at the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso – Belluno|Dolomites

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