Economy - published on 27 May 2021
Milano, Venezia, Treviso, May 26, 2021 – The project Generation 2026 – Sport Powered by Youth and Education has the firm will to invest in the culture of the person.
It will be the young people, the human capital to which the project is addressed, the young people who in 2026 will actively live the experience of the Milano-Cortina 2026 Olympic and Paralympic
The Veneto Region, the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso-Belluno|Dolomiti, the Regional School Office and FICTS Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs, the only Federation in the sector
recognized by the IOC, have identified a project designed and dedicated to schools that acquires even more significance in this pandemic moment, suffered heavily even by the youngest.
Sport is ethics, sport is sacrifice, it is respect for the rules and it is sharing. These are all messages that we want young people to tell, against the backdrop of a major event that will
mark their lives: they will be the generation of the 2026 Milano-Cortina Olympic and Paralympic Games. Milano-Cortina 2026 – says the Regional Councillor for Education, Training and Labour of
Veneto Elena Donazzan -. The Venetians, in particular, will be those young people who in the future years of their adult life will remember this historic moment for sport as
their own. A moment that we want to be as participatory as possible: and one participates in the Olympics not only by competing, but also by cheering on one’s own nation, one participates with
affection for one’s own favorites, with the pride of a victory when Italy climbs the highest step of the podium. This sense of belonging can be nurtured and rebuilt: and we will do it through the
language of contemporaneity, with videos, drawings, insights, with which the children can actively participate in the next Winter Olympics 2026.
It will be a constructive experience, in tune with the environment and memorable for young people. It is for them that we begin this journey of Olympic and Paralympic sports and culture. There
is so much to learn and I am sure that young people will give us, the institutions and businesses, new points of view to build a significant awareness of the value of sport – highlights the
President of the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso – Belluno|Dolomiti Mario Pozza -. We talk about master plans, about wheels on rails, but the infrastructure, the future of our
country, are young people and we have every intention of investing in them. People, human capital human capital are the fundamental resources of a good society. Milano-Cortina 2026 will therefore
be a wonderful opportunity for dialogue, constructive play in close connection with the school system and the school and entrepreneurial system in an approach of corporate social
The President of FICTS Prof. Franco Ascani, the only Italian Member of the IOC Commission for Culture and Olympic Heritage, said: Welcoming the message sent to us by the IOC
President Dr. Thomas Bach, we must start again together stronger than before so that Sport, Culture and School unite and eliminate the distances of which, in this period, we are
feeling the weight with the hope that sport can resume to develop its educational message and achieve the objectives of Milano-Cortina 2026.
What is it all about?
The project “Generation 2026 – Sport Powered by Youth and Education” will be realized by the FICTS (Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs, the only Federation of the sector
recognized by the IOC) in collaboration with the Veneto Region, the Chamber of Commerce Treviso-Belluno|Dolomiti and the Regional School Office
for Veneto with the priority objective of highlighting the spirit of Olympism through an educational and training action that allows to acquire active lifestyles in which
sport is intended, as well as a vehicle for promoting psychophysical well-being, also as a tool for social inclusion and integration, through direct involvement – with free
enrollment – of young people of the “Generation 2026”, in view of the 2026 Milano-Cortina Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
Starting from the beginning of the school year (September 2021) the Project will be developed in three closely interconnected phases:
1. Formative-educational phase: articulated in multiple interscholastic sports and educational activities for young people from primary and secondary schools: “Your Sport in a
Video”, a special competition of videos self-produced by the young people with the aim of promoting knowledge of the Olympic and Paralympic Games and the world of sports; “Your Games” (Draw Your
“Medal” or Your “Mascot” or Your “Torch” or Your “Flag for the Games” or Your “Champion”);
Free access to 21.213 streaming videos on Sport, Olympism and Cinema on the SPORTMOVIESTV.COM Platform; “The screenings: sporting emotions of class”, meeting moments with interactive screenings (of
motor culture) and the audiovisual work “On the Wings of the Chamber: where talent is at home”, produced by the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso – Belluno|Dolomiti, winner of the “Candido Cannavò
Award for the Olympic Spirit” at “SPORT MOVIES & TV 2020”.
2. Sports and cultural phase: under the slogan “Let’s start again with Sports Culture”, the Project becomes a tool to relaunch – also for the post-Covid-19 period – the diffusion
of Sports and Olympic Culture, in view of the next Games in Milano-Cortina 2026. Among the activities for young people: “The Days of Sport”, aimed at promoting the culture of sport through an
educational-training action. In case of impediments for Covid-19, “Sport doesn’t stop. It transforms” with self-produced videos by young people on the theme “Sport at home”.
3. Promotion and attraction phase for territories and companies: the project proposes an educational action and sustainable enhancement of economic and environmental instances
integrated to the two previous phases. Initiatives will be carried out to promote territorial attractiveness also using the SPORTMOVIESTV.COM platform and involving schools in the training phases
opening to the local business and sports fabric as well as stakeholders and representatives of collective interests through ITALYMPICS – Culture through Sport”, the event included in the
international circuit “World FICTS Challenge” of cinema, television and Olympic and sports culture scheduled at the Museo dello Scarpone in Montebelluna (TV) with the aim of spreading the message
“Sport is Culture”.