Events - published on 31 May 2024
Fonte: ufficio stampa Confindustria Belluno Dolomiti
Belluno, 24 May 2024 – ‘With this edition of the Giro d’Italia, the Belluno area confirms itself as a land of sport and great events: these are days of celebration for the territory and its excellence, including manufacturing’.
This was said by Lorraine Berton, president of Confindustria Belluno Dolomiti on the eve of the Alpago-Bassano del Grappa stage and the day after the caravan passed through the Feltrino area, where companies were also protagonists, such as Manifattura Valcismon and Clivet.
‘This year we are showing Italy and the world other corners of our province; Feltrino and Alpago are districts that have their own undoubted environmental and landscape specificity, but also economic and entrepreneurial. With almost 650 million spectators in 200 countries, the Giro is a great opportunity to showcase our Made in Italy. It is therefore a good idea to pass close to our industrial areas where there are historical factories and brands of great impact,’ he said.
‘Our companies have been ready again this year, strengthening the link between Belluno and the Pink Race: now a real “sprint” towards the 2026 Milan Cortina Olympics awaits us, a goal that must remain common. Sport and big events are an increasingly vital combination for this province,’ Berton concludes.