Employment. Negative balance in September in Veneto. Donazzan, “Annual figure remains at +75,000 jobs. Good for tourism and agriculture, the industrial sector is worrying.”

Economy - published on 16 October 2023


Source: press office Veneto Region Council

The employment data in Veneto recorded in September on the one hand reflect the scenario of uncertainty at the national and international level, and on the other confirm the concerns of recent months with respect to the signs of economic slowdown clearly reflected on employment. While noting that the balance in Veneto remains positive considering the first nine months of the year, with +75,000 jobs, the slowdown in the manufacturing and industrial sector is no small element in our overall picture – says Elena Donazzan, regional councilor for labor, who comments on the data on employment trends in Veneto in September published today in La Bussola di Veneto Lavoro.
The monthly report shows that in September the employment balance in our region recorded a loss of 5,900 salaried jobs, a figure worse than a year ago (in 2022 -4,900) and 2019 (-2,500), Decreases in hiring -0.8% and conversions to permanent contracts (-6%).
We know that September is the month in which seasonal and fixed-term contracts come to an end – Donazzan comments further – but it is also true that seasonality has been prolonged thanks to favorable weather and leading sectors of tourism and agriculture are benefiting from these elements.

In fact, the positive momentum continues in the primary sector, (+17,900 employee positions since the beginning of the year) while in the industrial sector there are 12,300 more positions compared to the +18,600 recorded in September 2022. Heavy slowdown in metal-mechanics, chemical-plastics industries and some made-in-Italy sectors (tanning industry, footwear and wood-furniture) while the food industry holds up (+2,700). Broadly positive balance in the tertiary sector (+44,800) with the strengthening of recruitment (+2.5 percent) and the performance of the tourism and trade sectors. Signs of decline, however, for logistics, IT services and cleaning activities.

As for the picture in the provinces, the balance for the first nine months of 2023 is positive everywhere except in Belluno (-700 fewer job positions). Verona and Venice continue to excel in terms of employment growth and strengthening demand for labor (+1.5 percent and +5.5 percent, respectively, compared to 2022), while Treviso (+7,100), Padua (+6,800) and Rovigo (+3,200) are lower than in 2022, though still in positive territory.

September, on the other hand, is affected by the conclusion of the summer season and related contract terminations, pushing down the employment budgets of Venice (-15,600 jobs) and Belluno (-2,500).

All data from Veneto Lavoro’s “The Compass” are available online (see link) and in the appendix.

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