In Milan, great first place for the Women's Third Grade Category and the Male First Grade and Third Grade Categories.
Read more Milan Cortina 2026 trophies: Veneto students excel in the 80-metre dash at the Milan ArenaDigital tools for conscious, useful and constructive use of the Smartphone
The class was knowledgeable about Olympic celebrations and values, including the Paralympic Games, in which they showed great sensitivity and interest.
The 23rd Original Language Theatre Festival for students of all levels in the province of Belluno, organised by the Circolo Cultura e Stampa Bellunese, came to an end on Tuesday 23 April.
On Friday 10 May (10 a.m.), the Minister for Sport and Youth Dr. Andrea Abodi will speak at the Tripod Lighting Ceremony as part of the "GenerAZIONE2026" Project with the twinning of the Veneto Region Schools.
In his video message, President Pozza invited young people to work on the issue of the proper use of mobile phones with GenerAZIONE2026's "Education 4.0" to promote the appropriate use of digital technologies, addressing topics such as the correct use of smartphones and the web against cyberbullying, the risks to psycho-physical health if one overdoes it with electronic devices, the web, and social networking.
There are six connected classes at the MARTA MINERBI Institute (Secondary 1). Congratulations to the teachers!!! Nice to know that to the question: who does sport? All the classes answer that most of the pupils play sport. To the question: what is sport for you? The answers are really interesting: For class 1 E, sport […]
Emotion, commitment and trying to win.
5 classes great enthusiasm, the names Tina and Milo, the official Mascots of Milan Cortina 2026, the where and when the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held, the inaugurations and final events, the why of the symbols, the values that inspire lifestyles. Always prearranged and full of insights, especially when the videos of Paralympic […]
GenerAZIONE2026 6th meeting of classroom lessons with the IC of Cornuda. This is how the children of the classes of the Cornuda IC answered the question what sport is for you: Sport for me is a mix of fun, personal pride, continuous improvement and an opportunity to express myself. The brotherhood and determination shown […]
The meeting on Friday, 16 February 2024, was attended by 10 classes, all of them first-years, from the IC Casteller di Paese in the province of Treviso. The classes were divided into two groups, each of which took part in the one-and-a-half-hour GenerAZIONE2026 classroom lesson. During the screenings, the students were very participative, also thanks […]
Fully prepared classes of the IC Tina Merlin of Belluno followed the Olympic videos of today and history with keen interest. There was always great respect and careful consideration on the part of the students, during the videos of the Paralympic Games, which alternated in a dynamic sequence of the ‘GenerAtion2026 Class Lessons’, prepared by […]
Sport powered by youth and education
Questions, curiosities, considerations, themed answers on the Olympic and Paralympic Games . The concept of sport for young people.
Congratulations to the students of the Dante College High School classes in San Vendemiano (province of Treviso) for their attention and participation. Your definition of resilience and determination is interesting.
The classroom lessons of GenerAZIONE2026 continue with successful enthusiasm in its third edition. Today we also talked about the Brand Identity of the Olympic and Paralympic Games with the Secondary School IIS T. Catullo of Belluno, art school, graphic design address.
First meeting of GenerAZIONE2026 in Verona with the Liceo Guarino Veronese of Cologna Veneta (province of Verona), 4 classes took part (1 class 3rd | 1 class 4th | 2 classes 5th). During the meeting, which lasted more than an hour, various topics were discussed, such as: the values, history and symbols of sport and […]