4. Factors related to sectoral structure within Treviso production system

In order to evaluate the attractiveness of a territory [1] originated from its sectoral structure, it is necessary to carry out prior studies and surveys on sectoral organization and its interdependences within the same territory.
Obviously, a demanding long specific activity is needed in order to meet these requirements; being such aspects very tricky and complicated, the only way to easily obtain data and information and start this analysis is by making reference to already conducted research.
It must be however taken into account that every single territory would need a specific survey, even though an objective assessment could be made only after comparing identical or similar outcomes from different territories.

Our analysis is based on a research conducted on a national level (on a provincial and regional basis), commenting its results and referring readers to the next chapter for what concerns any aspect or integration that is not dealt with, but, still, are related to the territory of Treviso[2].

The research analyses the sectoral distribution of economic activities throughout the whole Italian territory, with the following aims:

  1. To identify the provinces which boast sectoral specializations;
  2. To verify whether any production chain exists within the territory;
  3. To highlight neighbouring territories sharing the same sectoral specializations or chains of production

In this way, territories can better assess their specific features and consequently choose the best-fitting policy as for development and territorial marketing with further reference to attractiveness.
Therefore, sectors and chains of production that are typical of a territory have been examined, together with their locational advantage as for goods and services, and the integration that is likely to derive from that.
Based on census data [3], the following sectors and chains of production have been analysed, being the most significant in terms of competitiveness within our country:

  1. furniture;
  2. information and communication;
  3. foodstuffs;
  4. machinery;
  5. tourism;
  6. waste treatment.

The analysis was mainly focused on the following two aspects: localization of sectors (territorial specialization) and business density (compared to the total presence on a national level). Particular aspects have been examined in relation to some sectors. However, this methodology can be also applied to sectors different from those considered in this survey.
The main results are shown in the table below, with particular reference to the province of Treviso.

Let’s examine the table:
As for the furniture sector, Treviso is ranked third among the Italian provinces, only surpassed by Pesaro and Udine. Being these data referred both to localization of sectors and business density, there are two more provinces that can be considered too: Pordenone (slightly higher as for localization) and Como (higher density). However, the furniture production is located in an industrial cluster between the provinces of Treviso and Pordenone and, if treated as a single cluster is certainly the widest in Italy.

As for information and communication, the province of Treviso gains a good, not outstanding, ranking.

Better results were registered in the food sector, in which Treviso is ranked 12th thanks to absolute presence of food operators, with outstanding qualities in the food processing (9th) and, above all, in the food machinery sector (2nd, below Parma).

The machinery sector is well ranked, but high diversification in this sector doesn’t allow to achieve a better ranking even though some specializations that were not considered in the survey could show excellent results for the province.

As for tourism, Treviso isn’t ranked high enough to appear in the list. In any case, a development trend have been registered in the last years.

Lastly, the province of Treviso is ranked 9th in Italy, as for waste treatment, in terms of number of operators of waste management facilities. Other sources state that the city of Treviso is among the first for what concerns waste sorting.

All of the above results refer to sectors analysed in the research. Some other positive remarks could be definitely made by analysing more sectors, above all those that present distinctive features of an industrial cluster. Among them: sports footwear, stainless steel manufacturing, wine, some segments in the clothing industry, etc.

[1] It is worth recapitulating what was already stated at the beginning of the first chapter (Introductory remarks): the term “attractiveness” does not only refer to the ability to attract resources from outside, but also to the competence to give due importance to internal resource and hold them within the territory.

[2] The results of the survey were published by Elisa Bianchi and Lanfranco Senn in “La distribuzione territoriale dei settori” within the book cited in the previous articles “L’attrattività del sistema Paese”, by Paola Dubini, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano, 2006.
[3] These data are then referred to the last census of 2001




1) Furniture

3rd Treviso (jointly with Pordenone and Como); below Pesaro and Udine



2) Information and communication

Good ranking as for publishing, cinema and radio – television



3) Foodstuffs

12th Treviso as for absolute presence of food operators in the whole sector


9th within the specific segment of food processing


15th as for oils, fats and fodder production


2th in the food machinery segment



4) Machinery

26th as for degree of localization


18th as for the wholesale of machinery for the clothing industry



5) Tourism




6) Waste treatment

9th Treviso as for number of operators of waste management facilities