While waiting to adequately prepare a new service planned on some production units attractive for their size and image, we report new elements of excellence identified for the province of Treviso.
This is a study by Censis and the Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation (and therefore third-party bodies, unrelated to our territory), which have nevertheless identified some territorial excellences also in the province of Treviso.
The Censis study was recently published with a research report entitled ‘L’Italia dei territori’ (The Italy of Territories), which analysed the complex territorial units, i.e. the areas of the most accomplished evolution of districts and local systems, in an intermediate dimension between the attractiveness of large cities and the socio-economic well-being of the Italian provinces. In this regard, the factors relating to the best qualities of the various types of territory (production and innovation, hospitality, sociality) were determined and a map of territorial excellence was drawn up. 161 territories of excellence were selected, divided into 126 complex territorial units and 25 innovation and logistics poles. The first group, in turn, was divided into 71 productive territories and 65 reception territories.
The productive territories, i.e. those with a strong productive vocation, were assessed according to the – recognisability of the sectoral vocation expressed by the territory;
– organisational capacity of production within the territory (supply chains, districts, ‘leading’ companies, etc.);
– external projection of the territory with a strong propensity for internationalisation. On the basis of these assessment criteria, the following were identified
– 10 territories of remarkable excellence; – 34 territories of good excellence; – 27 territories of medium excellence.
Among the first territories, in addition to the Venetian Riviera del Brenta in 1st place, the district of Montebelluna is in 2nd place, together with those of Langhirano (Parma) and Lumezzane (Brescia). In third place was the Cadore area, which, however, also includes the northern part of the province of Treviso, while in fifth place, tied with other territories, was that of Castelfranco Veneto, which includes the eastern part of the province of Treviso and part of that of Padua.
Among the territories in the second group, which are nevertheless considered to have a satisfactory degree of excellence, is the Treviso district of Inox Valley. On the contrary, the wood-furniture district between the province of Treviso and that of Pordenone is not present, probably because the territorial aggregations used in the survey do not allow to highlight this sectoral vocation. As it has been observed several times in other articles, the distribution of the wood-furniture district area straddling two provinces and two different regions does not always allow the identification of this important productive reality of Treviso.
But apart from this omission, it is worth emphasising the presence of almost all of our province at the top of the Italian production territories of excellence, according to criteria based on their sectoral vocation and their ability to be competitive and react to the crisis. Since this is a selection and ranking at national level operated through aseptic and objective methodologies by an authoritative research centre unrelated to our territory, the productive excellence of our province and its ability to meet current and future challenges is quite evident. In fact, a marked sectoral vocation in restricted areas makes it possible to create and implement an environment favourable to cooperation and synergies for the resolution of various production-related problems. The dynamism and productive organisation of supply chains means that the most efficient and advanced companies drag the less dynamic ones in their wake by virtue of increasingly tight and convenient supply relationships. Moreover, the extension of the production chain towards the market allows the latter to be controlled and the possibility of appropriating the commercial and service margins that are generally the highest in the value chain.
Lastly, internationalisation allows not only access to much larger markets, but also to procure production factors on better terms and to join longer information and collaboration networks, thereby also obtaining further advantages in terms of scale and synergy. All these excellent characteristics are available to the territories of the Marca selected by the Censis research, which has ascertained their presence in such a relevant intensity as to place them at the top of the national ranking. Therefore, the competitiveness of our production system is not negligible and this is not only an indication of still good prospects for the future, but should continue to act as a reason of attraction for human and financial resources from outside and for the residents themselves.
At present, the crisis also involves the province of Treviso, but the conditions outlined above allow us to hypothesise that its negative impact will be lower overall than in other Italian territories and other countries. Moreover, with the same conditions, the recovery at the end of the crisis may be higher. It will be necessary, however, that the multifaceted macro-sector of public and private services also assist future development in this regard.
Renato Chahinian