Analysis of the structural and productive context of the province of Treviso and Belluno
Analysis of the structural and productive context of the province of Treviso and Belluno
The Transformation of Corporate Strategy
Proceeding with the discussion of the primary requirements for sustainable enterprises, as initiated in previous articles in this column, it is necessary to delve deeper into the management of any business (large or smal...
Read more Investing in Treviso and Belluno: From Corporate Social Responsibility to Sustainable Business Responsibility
This is the title of the latest work by Roberto Chahinian, former Secretary General of our Chamber of Commerce and currently an expert in Sustainable Development Economics and Finance. He is also the curator of the ̶...
Read more The New Book by Renato Chahinian – AGENDA 2030 COME FARE. Integrare crescita economica, sviluppo sociale e sostenibilità ambientaleInvestments in the environment also enables positive financial results in the long run
Similarly to investment of a social nature, investment aimed at improving the environment produces positive results in the long term and is therefore convenient, both for the company’s development and for th...
Read more Investing in Treviso and Belluno: the benefits of environmental investment. Edited by Renato Chahinian地区的社会经济框架
在对特雷维索和贝卢诺吸引可持续投资的原因进行了初步概括之后,我们有必要在本专栏介绍地区的社会经济综合情况,以便更好地评估未来投资所处的环境背景。 威尼托大区这两个省的主要数据也可在本网站的经济部分找到,但在此根据潜在投资者的认知需求进行了扩展和评论。这些数据由特雷维索-贝卢诺-多洛米蒂商会研究和统计办公室发布,主要是 2022 年的数据,因为目前还没有 2023 年的所有地区级调查数据,但所呈现的结构数据足够重要,无论如何,下文将报告最...
Read more 投资特雷维索和贝卢诺:两省的主要结构数据The socio-economic scenario of the territory
After the first general indications on the factors of attractiveness for sustainable investments in Treviso and Belluno, it is useful to present in this section a concise socio-economic picture of the area, in order to b...
Read more Investing in Treviso and Belluno: the main structural data of the two provincesReaders will gradually be able to identify, share and successfully plan possible new virtuous investments, capable of ensuring a fair return for their invested capital
Read more Investing in Treviso and Belluno for sustainable development, presentation by Dr Renato ChahinianTreviso and Belluno are also export-oriented, thus already structured for the internationalisation of processes and products.
Read more Investing in Treviso and Belluno presentation by the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso – Belluno|Dolomites Mario Pozza利用新投资实现的优先目标
在上一篇文章中,我们从《Il Sole – 24 Ore》报纸公布的生活质量指标出发,介绍了特雷维索和贝卢诺两省的魅力所在。事实上,如上所述,新的可持续投资机会既包括改善现有景点,也包括弥补不足之处,以便在经济发展的同时实现社会和环境发展。 但在同一篇文章中,我们还强调了另一项分析的重要性(再次提及我们的两个省份),该分析与联合国 2030 年议程中实现可持续发展的 17 项目标中的地区定位有关。这对于更好地了解我们的目标是...
Read more 投资特雷维索和贝卢诺:我们在可持续发展方面的进展情况Priority objectives to be pursued with new investments
We indicated the attractions offered by the territory of the two provinces of Treviso and Belluno in the last article, starting from the excellences and difficulties present locally based on the indicators published by I...
Read more Investing in Treviso and Belluno: where do we stand on sustainable developmentInvestment opportunities in the two provinces for a sustainable development
In the previous articles of this column, we spoke of the general reasons for the attraction of the two provinces of Treviso and Belluno, and of the fact that nowadays investing in their territory is especially important ...
Read more Investing in Treviso and Belluno: the attractions offered by the area我们从上一篇文章中介绍的可持续发展概念出发,从公司和投资者的角度来阐述这一主题
在 《可持续发展促进社区福祉》一篇文章中,我们强调了可持续发展的重要性,它是影响任何社区的增长轨迹,涉及社会状况的三个方面(经济、社会和环境)。 这一基本目标只能通过我们所有人的个人行为来实现,但如果在组织(公共或私营、营利或非营利)层面上实施,则具有特别重要的意义,因为以这一目标为导向的集体行动的效率和效力会提高,并带来更大的成果。撇开公共行政部门(即国家、国家和地方公共机构)和第三部门组织(非营利部门)不谈,根据定义,...
Read more 投资特雷维索和贝卢诺:可持续金融We take up the concepts of sustainable development introduced in the previous article to develop the topic from the perspective of companies and investors
Read more Investing in Treviso and Belluno: the sustainable financeWith the previous article we started this new Column, which we now continue with a general article
Read more Investing in Treviso and Belluno: sustainable development for the well-being of the community通过上一篇文章,我们开始了这一新栏目,现在我们继续发表一篇一般性文章
文章作者:Renato Chahinian 博士 这篇文章已于 2019 年发表在 Trevisobellunosystem(特雷维索贝伦生态系统)网站上,现在对其进行回顾和更新,目的是介绍威尼托大区这两个省的可持续投资必须具备的主要特征,不仅是当地运营商,也包括外国投资者。 社区福祉是改善我们生活的一系列主客观因素,是每个社区(地方、国家、超国家或世界)的最终目标,尽管对它的理解和评价往往有所不同。 个人福祉和集体福祉曾经被分开考虑(...
Read more 投资特雷维索和贝卢诺:可持续发展促进社区福祉With this article we start a new updated column on the reasons of attraction for foreign investment in the provinces of Treviso and Belluno, especially from the aspect of sustainability requirements
Read more Investing in Treviso and Belluno: a column devoted to promoting foreign investment in the two provinces在商会管辖的两个省份投资的一些充分理由
Read the article in English 作者:雷纳托-查希尼扬博士 (Dr. Renato Chahinian) 几年前,特雷维索系统 网站在线曾发表过一个题为 “在特雷维索投资 “的专栏,该专栏至今仍可在网站上查阅,其目的是说明特雷维索省可能吸引新投资的主要原因。 随后,特雷维索和贝卢诺的两个商会合并为一个机构,从而统一了两个地区的经济方向,这不仅带来了各种业务优势,而且还对两个...
Read more 在特雷维索和贝卢诺投资Some good reasons to invest in the two provinces under the Chamber of Commerce's jurisdiction.
Some years ago Treviso System online had published a special column entitled Investing in Treviso, which is still available on the website today, with the aim of illustrating the main reasons that could induce pos...
Read more INVESTING IN TREVISO AND BELLUNO by Renato ChahinianSome time ago, the web portal “Trevisosystem” published a series of articles on Treviso attractiveness within the column “Il Punto”: the ability to attract human, economic and financial resources from outside, particularly from abroad, analyzed in relation to the economic [...]
The introductory analysis on the attractiveness of Italian territories gathers the indicators related to the context factors already mentioned, and processes them as a whole with reference to the 103 Italian provinces. The result is a classification of the provinces, [...]
3.1 HUMAN RESOURCES Context factors contributing to territorial attractiveness can be divided into those related to human resources, and those related to economic-financial resources. Among all the surveys carried out on this topic, the ones that have been chosen have [...]
In order to evaluate the attractiveness of a territory [1] originated from its sectoral structure, it is necessary to carry out prior studies and surveys on sectoral organization and its interdependences within the same territory. Obviously, a demanding long specific [...]
The previous chapter dealt with factors related to sectoral structure in the production system of Treviso, based on a research which was conducted on a national level, thus considering elements relevant to that context. However, there are other factors not [...]
Aimed at objectively identifying the attractive elements for external operators and for the same inhabitants and after analysing – even scientifically although briefly – an area’s attractiveness and its relevant factors within the context of Treviso production system, it is [...]
In the previous paragraph, considerations were put forward on the attractiveness of Treviso as a whole for people operating in the economic sector. The main factors – context and sectoral structure – characteristic to the area of Treviso were briefly [...]
The attractiveness of Treviso economic system was examined from the aspect of the various factors present in the province which make economic and trade relations with the rest of the world, and within the area itself, convenient and/or advantageous. These [...]
Everything considered so far stresses the satisfactory attractiveness of Treviso economic system. In other words, all the economic remarks suggest that investing capital and/or business activities in the province of Treviso can be advantageous both for resident and outside [...]
The global analysis of attractiveness factors of Treviso province didn’t detect particular records within Treviso economy – even though some have been registered in the past – and the production system is currently undergoing a process of reorganization, as in [...]
In illustrating the Treviso System for our column “Investing in Treviso” , we have often dwelt on the contextual factors that should express the environmental conditions for the attractiveness of our territory, both as a recipient of preferences and investments from [...]
In the last two articles for the section ‘Invest in Treviso’ we have been concerned with summarising the strengths of the Treviso economy and updating the context data dating back to a few years ago when the economic context in [...]
While waiting to adequately prepare a new service planned on some production units attractive for their size and image, we report new elements of excellence identified for the province of Treviso. This is a study by Censis and the Monte [...]