The Commission welcomes the political agreement reached last night between the European Parliament and the Council on the cyber resilience law proposed by the Commission in September 2022. The cyber resilience law is the first legislation of its kind in the world. It will improve the level of cyber security of digital products for the […]
First edition of the matching day between carpenters and architects. A day dedicated to building relationships to promote an innovative model of Made in Italy The initiative is part of Confartigianato Imprese Marca Trevigiana's project FALEGNAMI CONTEMPORANEI - Design, Sustainability, Communication - A new generation of entrepreneurs
Conference in Belluno, Wednesday 8 May 2024 at the Chamber of Commerce. Authoritative university professors and territorial economic actors discuss the topic
Export of Veneto Region at 82 billion, -0.3% compared to last year Treviso: -1.1% (bad results of furniture export, good for machinery) Export of Belluno grows +6.6%, thanks to eyewear and machinery.
Rome, 26 March 2024 – The first phase of the Call for Data-Driven Innovation, launched on 16 January by Unioncamere and InfoCamere and aimed at the eco-system of innovative start-ups and SMEs to exploit the Chamber system’s wealth of information and skills for the benefit of businesses, ended yesterday with the selection of five projects […]
Thursday 14 March 2024 at 19:45: episode dedicated to TREVISO Guest President Mario Pozza Company Regaldrid Europe S.r.l. - Tuesday 19 March 2024 at 19:45: episode dedicated to BELLUNO Guest the President Mario Pozza. Company: Clivet S.p.a.
The art of "savoir faire" meets innovation: stories of master craftsmen in furniture design
Pozza, Unioncamere of Veneto: "With current geopolitical scenarios, we need to bring back production within the Mediterranean."
Let’s warmly Welcome among the 1.773 companies of our Community TheCompanies LAVORAZIONE LEGNO S.r.l. in the Chamber’s local marketing website For your institutional promotion in Italy and abroad to promote new business opportunities and to create opportunities for supply chain collaboration in Italy and abroad. Believe us, we take care with absolute dedication of this free service that […]
The aging of the global population is one of the demographic trends that will influence our age the most, and not only in terms of costs for the community but also regarding the opportunities for the economic system. Italy, in fact, ranks among the longest-living countries in the world, ranking first in the EU for […]
N.30/2023 We are glad to welcome and introduce the new company that has just joined our Community TheCompanies.
N.26/2023 We are glad to welcome and introduce the new company that has just joined our Community TheCompanies.
"The soul never thinks without an image." - Aristotle
A relevant procedure of office cancellations wipes out more than 1,600 sole proprietorships in Treviso and more than 170 in Belluno. Net of these cancellations, the productive fabric of the provinces accuses a slight decline concerning mainly trade (wholesale and retail), restaurant activities, engineering and (for Treviso) wood-furniture. On a positive counter-trend are financial and insurance activities, construction and agriculture.
Applications must be received - electronically - from Oct. 16 to Nov. 24, 2023
By the Study and Statistics Office of the Treviso - Belluno |Dolomites Chamber of Commerce
N.02/2023 We are glad to welcome and introduce the new company that has just joined our Community TheCompanies.
To all of you, I wish you a summer filled with passions, dreams, encounters and successes, whatever the weather inside or outside of us. Let us always move forward.
This is why we wanted to highlight how, for social stability, from which we all benefit in life and work, the contribution of women is indispensable. But how and why will be for young people to tell us.
Since the 2008 financial crisis, Europe and even more so Italy have suffered the greatest difficulties in at least half a century due to the occurrence of countless negative events, mostly due to causes external to our territories and passed on to us as a result of globalisation, while we have obtained very few opportunities […]
Export check-up - First orientation to foreign markets - Elaboration of an Export Plan/Fiche -Organisation of training courses and information events
Source: Unioncamere Veneto press office Venice-Marghera, 07 April – In 2022, the propensity to invest in manufacturing in Veneto is growing: 1 out of 2 companies has invested in the company to support growth and improve production processes, allocating 20% more resources to evolving their offerings through the purchase of equipment, machinery or digital transformation. […]
From the plains to the mountains: The businesses, the territory, and the people who make this area unique.
Alessandro Minello: the assets of the attractiveness of the economy of Treviso and Belluno
Am Ende 2018, nach der Angaben der Handelsregister, die von Infocamere verarbeitet wurden, im Holz und Möbel Bezirksgemeinden waren 1.123 Betriebsgesetzessitze und 513 abhängige örtliche Einheiten aktiv, die fast 17.800 Mitarbeiter beschäftigten.
The Commission welcomes the political agreement reached last night between the European Parliament and the Council on the cyber resilience law proposed by the Commission in September 2022. The cyber resilience law is the first legislation of its kind in the world. It will improve the level of cyber security of digital products for the […]
Exports will reach 679 billion euro by 2025. SACE presents the Doing Export Report 2024 'The era of enterprises is today. And SACE is on it'.
Event at the Eyewear Museum
Erminio Da Vià - Occhialeria Moda Sport Section - and Luca Anselmi - Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori - awarded the best entries: ‘the development of the eyewear sector passes through the schools in the area’.
Discover the value and relevance of the museum in the territory of Belluno.
Conference in Belluno, Wednesday 8 May 2024 at the Chamber of Commerce. Authoritative university professors and territorial economic actors discuss the topic
Export of Veneto Region at 82 billion, -0.3% compared to last year Treviso: -1.1% (bad results of furniture export, good for machinery) Export of Belluno grows +6.6%, thanks to eyewear and machinery.
Rome, 26 March 2024 – The first phase of the Call for Data-Driven Innovation, launched on 16 January by Unioncamere and InfoCamere and aimed at the eco-system of innovative start-ups and SMEs to exploit the Chamber system’s wealth of information and skills for the benefit of businesses, ended yesterday with the selection of five projects […]
As a leader in the eyewear industry, Certottica stands out for its dedication to sustainability and innovation, contributing significantly to the advancement of the optical sector, also engaging in environmental sustainability and innovation projects, and collaborating with national and international companies for market surveillance.
Thursday 14 March 2024 at 19:45: episode dedicated to TREVISO Guest President Mario Pozza Company Regaldrid Europe S.r.l. - Tuesday 19 March 2024 at 19:45: episode dedicated to BELLUNO Guest the President Mario Pozza. Company: Clivet S.p.a.
Milan, 5 February 2024 – During MIDO, the world’s most international eyewear show, as part of the Otticlub in-depth events, CSE, “Certified Sustainable Eyewear”, the first product sustainability certification programme for the eyewear sector, was presented. Conceived, registered and promoted by ANFAO, the National Association of Optical Goods Manufacturers, in collaboration with CERTOTTICA (Italian Institute […]
Da Vià, from the fashion sports eyewear section: "Let's start again from the new generations, politics support us in growth and investments"
Pozza, Unioncamere of Veneto: "With current geopolitical scenarios, we need to bring back production within the Mediterranean."
The aging of the global population is one of the demographic trends that will influence our age the most, and not only in terms of costs for the community but also regarding the opportunities for the economic system. Italy, in fact, ranks among the longest-living countries in the world, ranking first in the EU for […]
N.23/2023 We are glad to welcome and introduce the new company that has just joined our Community TheCompanies.
Source: press office Presidency of the Chamber of Commerce of Treviso - Belluno|Dolomites
Fuente: oficina de prensa Presidencia de la Cámara de Comercio de Treviso - Belluno|Dolomitas
A relevant procedure of office cancellations wipes out more than 1,600 sole proprietorships in Treviso and more than 170 in Belluno. Net of these cancellations, the productive fabric of the provinces accuses a slight decline concerning mainly trade (wholesale and retail), restaurant activities, engineering and (for Treviso) wood-furniture. On a positive counter-trend are financial and insurance activities, construction and agriculture.
Applications must be received - electronically - from Oct. 16 to Nov. 24, 2023
By the Studies and Statistics Office of the Treviso - Belluno |Dolomites Chamber of Commerce
The innovative multifunctional space Copeland Controls S.r.l., inaugurated on Friday 29 Semptember, is equipped with laboratories for research and development, a cutting-edge climatic chamber, a reception area and meeting rooms
To all of you, I wish you a summer filled with passions, dreams, encounters and successes, whatever the weather inside or outside of us. Let us always move forward.
Tecnica group, Nordica, Rolleblade, Garmont, Lotto Sport, De Rigo Vision, Venicepromex Health Chef, Europe Montagna Veneta
Watch and listen to President Mario Pozza's speech
This is why we wanted to highlight how, for social stability, from which we all benefit in life and work, the contribution of women is indispensable. But how and why will be for young people to tell us.
Since the 2008 financial crisis, Europe and even more so Italy have suffered the greatest difficulties in at least half a century due to the occurrence of countless negative events, mostly due to causes external to our territories and passed on to us as a result of globalisation, while we have obtained very few opportunities […]
Export check-up - First orientation to foreign markets - Elaboration of an Export Plan/Fiche -Organisation of training courses and information events
Source: Unioncamere Veneto press office Venice-Marghera, 07 April – In 2022, the propensity to invest in manufacturing in Veneto is growing: 1 out of 2 companies has invested in the company to support growth and improve production processes, allocating 20% more resources to evolving their offerings through the purchase of equipment, machinery or digital transformation. […]
From the plains to the mountains: The businesses, the territory, and the people who make this area unique.
Alessandro Minello: the assets of the attractiveness of the economy of Treviso and Belluno
Heute konzentriert sich im Gebiet Bellunos ungefähr 80% der nationalen Produktion und die vier multinationale Unternehmen des Bezirks stellen allein 70% des weltweiten Brillengeschäftsmarkts des mittleren/oberen Brillenmarktsegments dar und kontrollieren 50% der weltweiten Brillenmode Lizenz-Produktion.
82% families ask for help food education in Veneto schools with Coldiretti's "Semi'nsegni" project.
Six out of ten small businesses operate in the proximity market.
Coldiretti Treviso organizes event in collaboration with the Prosecco DOC Consortium
The results of a project work were presented, during which students applied Design Thinking and Business Modeling approaches to challenges posed by three major local companies. All of this was validated by a Digital Badge, certifying the skills acquired.
President Pozza spoke at the conference presenting the book written by Daniele Ferrazza about Icaro Olivieri.
The Commission welcomes the political agreement reached last night between the European Parliament and the Council on the cyber resilience law proposed by the Commission in September 2022. The cyber resilience law is the first legislation of its kind in the world. It will improve the level of cyber security of digital products for the […]
Participate in the B2B meeting day with European counterparts from the mechanical engineering sector.
Patents and innovation are the order of the day, including artificial intelligence applications
Conference in Belluno, Wednesday 8 May 2024 at the Chamber of Commerce. Authoritative university professors and territorial economic actors discuss the topic
Thursday 14 March 2024 at 19:45: episode dedicated to TREVISO Guest President Mario Pozza Company Regaldrid Europe S.r.l. - Tuesday 19 March 2024 at 19:45: episode dedicated to BELLUNO Guest the President Mario Pozza. Company: Clivet S.p.a.
The aging of the global population is one of the demographic trends that will influence our age the most, and not only in terms of costs for the community but also regarding the opportunities for the economic system. Italy, in fact, ranks among the longest-living countries in the world, ranking first in the EU for […]
Thursday 14 March 2024 at 19:45: episode dedicated to TREVISO Guest President Mario Pozza Company Regaldrid Europe S.r.l. - Tuesday 19 March 2024 at 19:45: episode dedicated to BELLUNO Guest the President Mario Pozza. Company: Clivet S.p.a.
Pozza, Unioncamere of Veneto: "With current geopolitical scenarios, we need to bring back production within the Mediterranean."
A relevant procedure of office cancellations wipes out more than 1,600 sole proprietorships in Treviso and more than 170 in Belluno. Net of these cancellations, the productive fabric of the provinces accuses a slight decline concerning mainly trade (wholesale and retail), restaurant activities, engineering and (for Treviso) wood-furniture. On a positive counter-trend are financial and insurance activities, construction and agriculture.
Applications must be received - electronically - from Oct. 16 to Nov. 24, 2023